Visual App
When working on your visual app you will need a fullbody. Please do not use things like Kiaske makers, and Picrews for this, as they will not be accepted. [Commissions are allowed with credit to the artist]
Your characters must look at least 80% human. While additions are ok, please keep them at least 80% human!
Font used is Norden. Links to app and font can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19IUg3nRIhw_IM22Q4L-cth-XSMHBXxgi
If you get the PSD, you are allowed to change the apps colors for fun!
Written app
When writing things down on the app please note that this is public information. Anything you need to keep a secret please put it in your secret channel. I will pin it for the both of us.
[Innate magic] [After approval]
[Magical type]
[Personality] [3 positives, neutrals, and negatives]
[Death story] [Note this is like an origin. Do not put what has happened in the void to your character in here. This is public and will be put on the site]
[Attacks/Magic] [Starts off with 3]
[Items] [None yet]
Magic + Attacks
While Magicals are specifically considered Spell casters or Physical, they can still have items from both categories. The limit on them are 3, but you can gain more spells and attacks in the future. And certain types of Attacks have a higher MP or AP cost.
Special attacks are automatically added and do not take up an attack or spell slot.
Magical Attacks:
- [2 MP] [Utility] Light: Light up the room or dungeon with light, allowing for advantage rolls on observation.
- [2 MP] [Utility] Shield: A light field seems to be around you as you gain a +1 to your AC.
- [2 MP] [Attack] Flare up: An attack that deals 5 Stars of damage against a monster.
- [2 MP] [Aid] Quick Heal: Heal a ally for 5 Stars of HP.
- [4 MP] [Utility] Charm: You seem to almost have a lighter tone, one that puts people at ease. You gain advantage on Charisma.
- [4 MP] [Utility] Quick step: You seem to gain speed when moving and zoom right past the attack. You are able to dodge an attack for that round.
- [4 MP] [Attack] Cold blast: An attack that deals 6 stars of damage, and freezes an opponent for a round.
- [8 MP] [Attack] Light Shard: A strong attack that deals 8 stars of damage, and blinds the opponent for 2 rounds. The opponent has disadvantage until your next turn on attacks.
- [8 MP] [Debuff] Thorns: The opponent for 3 rounds has disadvantage when moving. If they fail the Finesse roll they may fall prone.
- [12 MP] [Special] Special attack: Only able to be used once per battle, this move can deal a total of 12 stars of damage. It causes a special effect based on your Innate Magic.
Physical Attacks:
- [2 AP] [Attack] Clash: An attack that deals 6 stars of damage against a monster.
- [2 AP] [Debuff] Slow down: Your opponent's Finesse for 2 turns is lowered by -2.
- [2 AP] [Attack] Pierce: A distanced attack that deals 6 stars of damage against a monster.
- [2 AP] [Utility] Quick Shield: Shield a ally for 5 stars of dmg.
- [4 AP] [Utility] Eyes on me: Opponent needs to make a Contested Charisma roll and if the opponent fails the roll, they have to attack your character.
- [4 AP] [Attack] Take down: You deal 8 stars of damage, and cause your opponent to freeze for a round. They must make a Finesse roll next turn to get up.
- [4 AP] [Attack] Paralyze: You deal 6 stars of damage, You and your opponent must make a contested Finesse roll, if the opponent fails, they will be paralyzed for 3 rounds.
- [8 AP] [Attack] Run: You deal 10 stars of damage, your opponent must make a contested charisma roll, if failed they will begin to run.
- [8 AP] [Utility] Buffed up: Your next basic attack ends up rolling advantage, and you gain a +2 stars on damage.
- [10 MP] [Attack] Finale: This move can deal 10 stars of damage, and is able to boost your AC by 2 for two rounds.
- [12 MP] [Special] Special Attack: Only able to be used once per battle, this move can deal a total of 12 stars and causes one more buff to you.