> Second Chance’ dice system is lightly inspired by Dungeons and Dragons
What Are Stats?
-HP: Health points [This stat affects how much health you have. Keeping track of it is vital, without it you are unable to take any actions.]
-AC: Armor Class [This stat is used to protect you, you can spend these points to defend yourself during combat Active]
-MP: Magic Pool [For Spell caster Magicals, this is the pool you take from to see how many spells you are able to cast.Active]
AP: Attack Pool [For Physical Magicals, this is the pool to see how many attacks you are able to do without being tired out. Active]
FIN: Finesse [Used on checks that require finesse and or quick physical movements.passive]
CHA: Charisma [Used to charm those you are around, intimidate monsters, or performances. It depends on how creative people want to get with it. Passive]
INS: Insight [Used for finding out things about people, places, items, and even monsters.Passive]
Stat increases
[Items] Occasionally while searching you will find an item that boosts one of your stats, it could be for a limited amount of uses, or until you get something better. [You only have so many equipped slots]
[Innate magic] Some innate magics might be more defense, or attack, or even spell based. Please discuss with me in your private channels so we can work on how it may affect your stats.
Other things that can change your stats are: Finishing events, successful investigations, and [S̵̆̾p̴͆͗ô̷̆î̵͂l̵̂͒e̵̅͛r̷̐s~!``]
How do we make our Builds
Making your builds shouldn't be too hard. By following along you will be able to create your character. We have three main builds but feel free to mix things up a bit.
We have the defensive build, for someone who wants to build more of a tankier character. They would put their main stats into [AP, AC, and INS] for example.
We have the Aid build, for someone who wants to help out their comrades during battle. They would put their main stats into [MP and CHA].
And the Offensive build, which can be built for either magical or physical users depending on the preferences. They would put their main stat either into [MP or AP, and likely FIN].
What "skills" are niches characters can build into?
Now you might have your builds but you may be wondering what spells to use for them?
Defensive: Slow down, Take down, Eyes on me.
All of these are useful defensive spells to keep the opponents eyes on you and to protect your party members from harm!
Aid: Charm, Light, Quick Step.
These will keep you light on your feet and in the air as you move through dangerous area's and help your friends. Charm can give you advantage on charisma helping you out during dangerous combats to intimidate or convince a enemy.
Offensive Magic: Light Shard, Cold Blast, Flare Up
All of these are good for a quick amount of damage to a monster. They are great offensive spells to use.
Offensive Attack: Clash, Finale, Pierce
All of these are good moves to attack with for a decent amount of damage to a monster and are great offensive spells to use.
How do we generate our stats?
Most stats start off at a base 10, with the exception of HP which starts off at 50.
For each character you may have 20 stat points you may distribute into any stat excluding HP and AC
Your stat total by the end of character creation should be 130 total stat points [including hp]
A example character.
HP: 50
AC: 10
AP: 15
MP: 20
CHA: 15
FIN: 10
INS: 10
= 130 stat points
More stats can be earned as events and the game progresses.
Level Up
During level up you gain 10 stat points to use, and you gain a +10 to your AC points!
Modifiers and how they work
Modifiers are half of the stat. So when you roll for a stat you add on half of it.
If you are searching for something and your Insight stat is a 10, you can add +5 to your roll. And so on and so forth for each of your stats. The only thing this doesn't take effect in is when it comes to MP and AP, where they have a set total taken during battle when attacks are used.
How does Initiative Work?
Initiative works based on group finesse and the monster's finesse. We will average the group's finesse and determine if it is higher then the opponents if it is you will go first. Everyone in the group will get a chance to go and then the opposing group will get a chance to go.
When turns happen and what now?
Turns happen during combat, or during event scenes. During a event scene I may have players roll for initiative and use half of their finesse for it. During a turn players may use an action. And during the Monsters turn they may use an action. A turn finishes after both parties monsters and players get to all go once.
Actions are moves that can be taken on turns. You are able to use one Passive, and one Active action per turn. For monsters they are able to Attack, Retreat, or Defend on their turns.
What actions are taken in combat
During combat you gain 2 moves to do, 1 active, and 1 passive move. You are allowed to do a mixture of both, or one or the either depending on what you choose.
Active stats include AC, MP, And AP. Anything that takes these are considered active moves and will count as 1 active action.
Passive stats include CHA, FIN, And INS. Any of the practical power moves are passive.
Offensive moves-
These are moves that are taken to hit and damage the monster, these often take MP and AP to use, they include attacks and utility spells to help deal damage quicker
Defensive moves-
To defend yourself you can use Aid spells and the defend action to be able to defend yourself easier. To defend you offer up an amount of point in your AC to use to take the hit instead of you. It will take the damage, negating it. You are able to use this every other turn.
Special actions- These are actions like intimidate, and persuade, to search, to move. In combat these are not necessarily the main objective but important none the less and can help lead to avoid worse outcomes.
Innate Magic
Innate magic is something that is based off of your essence, your soul. It is a ability that pushes forward innate abilities in a supernatural twist.
Say if you were a gamer in life, and that was your main thing. You would have a game like ability to push forward.
Or if you were a detective in life, you would have a ability matching that.
These are to be the essence of your character wrapped up in a small magical ability they can use.
Types of Innate Magic
[Metaphysical] The ability to change your body, or enhance it with your magical powers. Some examples include transforming your appearance into a beastial like shape, pulling within for more strength, dealing more damage, healing yourself faster, and more!
[Creation] The ability to physically create something that was not there before using your magic. Item creation, plant creation, storm creation, creating things that were not there before!
[Enhancement] The ability to boost others, and to help them out in a pinch, to enhance the abilities the magical previously had. Healing, damage boosts, defense boosts, allowing for them to attack more, and more!
[Chance] The ability to lightly change an outcome that has happened. This can vary depending on the user and what they want to do. These will be roll based. It can change the results on your rolls, events that have happened, and chances for things to appear in the game.
Practical powers [3]
Practical powers are techniques that don’t serve much of a purpose during dangerous situations (most of the time).
Their cost is often low as well to make them easier to use.
[1 MP/AP] Lighter - Light up the room or dungeon with light. Gain advantage on an INS roll.
[1 MP/AP] Charmer - You have a lighter tone, one that puts people at ease. You gain advantage on a CHA roll.
[1 MP/AP] Delver - Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack dodge that lava pit! You gain advantage on a FIN roll.
[1 MP/AP] Tinker - Fix a small tear in something or a broken object... like magic!
[1 MP/AP] Sender - Summon a small woodland creature (or two... or five) to send a single message! No replies.
[1 MP/AP] Tidier - Clean something, create a temporary pleasant smell, or make a small image on a flat surface.
[2 MP/AP] Answer - Solves a simple math problem for you. NERD.
[2 MP]Quick Heal - Heal an ally for 5 stars of HP.
[2 MP/AP]Quick Shield - Gain +2 AC per usage.
[+2 AP]Speed - An ally or yourselves FIN for 2 turns is raised by + 5 .
[+2 MP]Slow - V Power, a target foe’s FIN for 2 turns is lowered by -5.
[+2 MP]Unnerve - R Power. The caster and their target must make a contested CHA Skill Save, if the opponent fails, they will be [Paralyzed] for 2 rounds. If the caster fails, they are [Stunned] for 1 round.
[+4 AP]Clash ◊ - CQ Power. Deals 8 stars of DMG against a foe.
[+4 MP]Pierce ◊ - R Power. Deals 8 stars of DMG against a foe.
[+4 MP] Eyes on Me - V Power. Deal 5 stars of DMG. The caster and their target must make a contested INS Skill Save, if the target fails, they will be [Taunted] for 2 rounds.
[+4 AP] Take down - CQ Power. Deal 5 stars of DMG. The caster and their target must make a contested FIN Skill Save, if the target fails, they will be [Stunned] for 2 rounds.
Intensified Powers [2]
[+8 MP/AP] Shield - Gain +5 AC
[+8 MP] Heal - Heal an ally for 5 stars of HP at the end of each round
[+8 AP] Thorns - CQ Power. The caster and their target must make a contested FIN Skill Save. If the target fails, all movement in or out of the target’s current position field deals 5 stars of DMG for 5 rounds.
[+8 MP/AP] Waylay - V Power. Deal 8 stars of DMG. The target is [Taunted] for 1 round.
[+8 MP] Light Shards - R Power. Deal 8 stars of DMG, and the opponent is [Stunned] for 1 round.
[+8 AP] Barrage - CQ Power. Deal 8 stars of DMG. The foe is [Paralyzed] for 1 round.
[+8 AP] Skirmish ◊ - CQ Power. Deals 12 stars of DMG against a foe.
[+8 MP] Skewer ◊ - R Power. Deals 12 stars of DMG against a foe.
[+8 MP/AP] Blitz - V Power. Select up to 3 targets, The caster and their target(s) must make a contested FIN Skill Save, all targets that fail are dealt 8 stars of DMG.
[+10 AP] Overkill - CQ Power. Deals 10 stars of DMG. When this move is used to kill an enemy, the caster gains the HP lost.
[+10 MP] Purify - Once per battle when an enemy is at ¼ Health. The caster and their target must make a contested CHA Skill Save. If the target fails, you may choose to purify the creature instead of killing it. If the caster fails, the creature cannot be Purified and gains +5 to all rolls.
[+12 MP]Finale - Once per battle, deals 20 stars of DMG. It causes a special effect based on your Innate Magic.
How do AC points work?
Ac points are special, You can use them actively in a turn to avoid getting hit, and to gain back your resource pool [AP/MP]. In turn you lower your defense but gain the ability to use more/stronger attacks. Per point of AC used, you gain back 2 [MP/AC]
> “Free” - Free actions typically are Practical Powers (only one per turn), some sort of special puzzle-solving action, or anything that does not involve any of the Powers your magi has access to.
AC Pool - A magi can choose to take “DMG” to their AC instead of their HP, and must be used first on their turn.
> Move - Magi can change positions from the Front or Back of the Position Field as an Action.
> Mundane Power - Mundane Powers are listed above, during a Magi’s turn, they can use up to 2 Mundane Powers, or use 1 Mundane Power and Move.
> Intensified Power - Intensified Powers are listed above, during a Magi’s turn, they can only use 1 Intensified power per turn, with no other actions (except Free actions).
Creatures can only be affected by 1 status effect, buff, or debuff at a time.
PARALYZED - No actions can be performed.
TAUNTED - The foe can only target the one who used the taunt, and only with damaging actions.
STUNNED - The foe cannot perform damaging actions.
Some Powers have limited ranges, here are their types and meanings:
Close Quarters (CQ) - Powers with this range can only affect the positions next to them.
Versatile (V) - Powers with this range can affect any position.
Ranged (R) - Powers with this range can only affect non-adjacent positions.
During battles, Magi and their allies take up one half of the playing field. The other half is the Enemy field.
EX || A Front-line Magi can hit a Front-line Monster with a CQ Power or a V Power!
A Back-line Magi can hit both a Front-line or Back-line Monster with a R Power!
Magi’s Attacks and Powers are built up by the different element types -- manifestations of the same form but with different types of magic can potentially alter a spell's outcome. All Magi’s spells are composed mainly of Light elements and deal Light DMG.
LIGHT - Deals Light DMG.
LIFE - Deals Nature DMG.
DEATH - Deals Corruption DMG.
GREY - Deals Force DMG.
DARK - Deals Void DMG.
LIGHT creatures are vulnerable to FORCE DMG.
GREY creatures are vulnerable to VOID DMG.
DARK creatures are vulnerable to LIGHT DMG.
LIFE creatures are vulnerable to CORRUPTION DMG.
DEATH creatures are vulnerable to NATURE DMG.
Within the bounds of Froelvane, there exist a variety of creatures borne from the energy bestowed by the gods- or simply spawned from the energy of the realm itself. There are five categories of magic that are imbued in every creature:
Light is the essence of stars, the brightness that parts the shadows of the unknown and gives form to color and life. All Magi are beings of light, composed of pure energy that makes up their soul.
Dark is the essence of the unknown, the thing that lurks within the edges of reality and warps the familiar and degrades the known. Corruption of Reality, vacuums of empty space, the main element of the Void.
Grey is a neutral energy. It is neither Light, nor Dark. It is the unmoving, the constant that glues reality together. It feeds on light, can be degraded by Dark, but by itself is not very volatile. Shape, Form, Space, Volume. It is the existence of everything while being nothing at all. Most beings in their true lives were composed mostly of the Grey. Hence, the inability to perform magic as potent as their Magi forms.
The last two elements are special. Within these two is the endless cycle- the wheel that turns all of reality and moves moons around planets, planets around stars, stars around galaxies, galaxies pulled forever toward black holes. Manipulation of energy, space, and time all fall under these elements- without them, Light, Dark, and Grey would simply be inert and stagnant forces haphazardly placed around the universe. Trace amounts of Life and Death are in everything, but higher concentrations can lead to otherworldly results!
Life encompasses all that is expanding, growing, moving. The Water that runs through rivers, Fire that burns through plains, Wind that howls in storms, Electricity that hums deep within, and Flora and Fauna that populate the universe... and so much more.
Death is the balance to life, and the natural conclusion to the question it poses. It is the stillness of air in a locked room, it is the decay and erosion of form, the passing of time, the despair and fear that comes with endings, the agents that poison the body and mind of the living.